【见微学术沙龙】Neutrinos as gateway to new physics
题目: 【见微学术沙龙】Neutrinos as gateway to new physics
报告人: Jose W F Valle
报告人单位: IFIC – CSIC
报告时间: 2024-02-23 16:00
报告地点: 物质科研楼A608
主办单位: 中国科大粒子科学与技术研究中心 基本粒子和相互作用协同创新中心 核探测与核电子学国家重点实验室

Name of speaker: Jose W F Valle
Position:  Ad Honorem Profesor,
                Spanish Council for Scientific Research, CSIC
Affiliation: IFIC – CSIC/Universitat de València

Seminar title: Neutrinos as gateway to new physics

Seminar abstract: Neutrino oscillation studies have brought neutrinos to the center of particle physics. I briefly review the status of precision neutrino results and comment on the theoretical options for the origin of their mass. The latter may be closely linked to basic drawbacks of the Standard Model such as the dark matter and flavour problems.

Short bio/introduction of speaker:
He earned a PhD in Theoretical Physics from Syracuse University (New York, 1982). In January 1983 he joined the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, UK, as a Research Associate. In 1986 he moved to Spain, joining as a visiting professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and subsequently IFIC (Instituto de Física Corpuscular) at the University of Valencia in 1987. He is currently Ad Honorem Profesor at the Spanish Council for Scientific Research CSIC. He is known for his numerous contributions to theoretical astroparticle and high energy physics, especially neutrino physics. He earned the Spanish Iberdrola Science & Technology Prize for Theoretical Physics in 1999, the Humboldt Prize in 2002, the Medal of the Mexican Physical Society, 2014 and the Mexico Science and Technology Prize, 2018

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