Hunting for Dark Matter with SuperCDMS SNOLAB
题目: Hunting for Dark Matter with SuperCDMS SNOLAB
报告人: 刘彦
报告人单位: UBC and TRIUMF
报告时间: 2023-11-06 10:00
报告地点: 物质科研楼 A405
主办单位: 粒子物理与原子核物理学科

报告摘要: The SuperCDMS SNOLAB experiment is an underground experiment that employs state-of-the-art cryogenic calorimeters in an effort to detect feeble interactions from Dark Matter. By utilizing different target materials and optimized detector configurations, the experiment is sensitive to a wide mass range of Dark Matter, making it well-suited to test many well-motivated Dark Matter models at unprecedented levels. In this talk, I will explain the detector technologies, discuss their discovery potentials, and delve into recent progress and preparations as the experiment moves towards science operation at SNOLAB.

报告人简介:Dr. Yan Liu is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of British Columbia and TRIUMF. He received his bachelor’s degree in 2014 at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Ph.D. degree in 2020 at Queen’s university. His Ph.D. thesis focused on neutron measurement with the SNO+ experiment. He is the current deputy analysis coordinator of the SuperCDMS SNOLAB experiment and a main contributor to the cryogenic low-background underground test facility CUTE (Cryogenic Underground TEst facility).