【见微学术沙龙】ATLAS muon NSW:conception, construction, completion and current status
题目: 【见微学术沙龙】ATLAS muon NSW:conception, construction, completion and current status
报告人: Tatsuo Kawamoto
报告人单位: USTC
报告时间: 2023-10-27 16:00
报告地点: 物质科研楼A608 腾讯会议:312-3946-5376
主办单位: 中国科大粒子科学与技术研究中心 基本粒子和相互作用协同创新中心 核探测与核电子学国家重点实验室

摘要:The ATLAS New Small Wheel (NSW) is a major phase-1 upgrade of the Muon system, completed in 2022.  The goal is to equip the muon spectrometer with a new sub-detector, which allows the system to operate at much higher instantaneous luminosity than the initial design value (high luminosity HL-LHC). It consists of new detector technologies, resistive Micromegas and small strip Thin Gap Chambers, as well as a number of dedicated ASICS.  The conception of NSW date back to the time shortly after the start of LHC data taking. Two main factors, observation of unexpected source of background in the muon trigger, and projected hit occupancy at the HL-LHC condition, eventually converged to the idea of a new detector that solves the two issues altogether. In the presentation, I will discuss in some detail the observation and interpretation of the nature of background particles, followed by historical account of the process of detector technology choice, construction and installation.  The status of the performance achievement is finally summarized.



1981 : PhD from Hiroshima University, Japan
1981: JSPS fellow, Japan
1982: Researcher at the University of Tokyo
1994: Associate Professor, ICEPP the University of Tokyo
2019: Conseiller Scientifique, CEA Saclay IRFU, University of Paris-Saclay
2023: International visiting professor, USTC

Main activities
JADE experiment at PETRA e+e- collider at DESY Hamburg. 
OPAL experiment at LEP e+e- collider at CERN.
ATLAS experiment at LHC hadron collider at CERN.

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