FARICH option for the PID system of the Super C-Tau Factory project
题目: FARICH option for the PID system of the Super C-Tau Factory project
报告人: Alexander Barnyakov
报告人单位: BINP
报告时间: 2023-08-18 16:00
报告地点: 物质科研楼A608
主办单位: 中国科学技术大学核与粒子物理学科


The Super C-Tau Factory is a project of future electron-positron collider with unprecedented high intensity of interaction in energy range from 3 to 7 GeV. The brief presentation of the project concept is given. Status of detector R&Ds carried out at the BINP is presented. Recent progress in R&D of PID system based on Focusing Aerogel RICH (FARICH) technique as well as recent progress in aerogel Cherenkov radiators production in Novosibirsk are described in details.


Alexander Barnyakov graduated from Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) in 2003, and since then works at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP). He is also a docent of Physics-Technical Department at NSTU. In 1999 as a student, he was engaged in the development of aerogel Cherenkov threshold counters based on unique technique ASHIPH (Aerogel SHIfter PHotomultiplier) for the KEDR experiment. Then he took parts in aerogel R&Ds for several projects such as ASHIPH counters for the SND experiment at electron-positron collider VEPP-2000 (Novosibirsk), aerogel RICH for LHCb experiment at LHC (CERN), aerogel RICH for AMS-02 experiment (ISS), aerogel RICH for CLAS-12 experiment (JLab). Today he is a leader of the team working on R&D of RICH detectors based on Focusing Aerogel radiator (FARICH). This technique is considered for particle identification systems in several HEP experiments: Super Charm Tau Factory (electron-positron collider with ultimately high interaction intensity at the energy range 3-7 GeV at Russia) and the SPD experiment at NICA. Alexander Barnyakov is also well experienced in photon detection techniques, micro-channel plate based devices, silicon photomultipliers application in HEP experiments, and have experience with fast scintillation crystals application for time of flight technique with picosecond time resolution. During his professional life, Alexander Barnyakov also has carried out research at SLAC, DESY, LNF-INFN and CERN.

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