Photon-photon scattering and Axion-like particle generation
题目: Photon-photon scattering and Axion-like particle generation
报告人: 沈百飞
报告人单位: 上海师范大学、中国科学院上海光学精密机械
报告时间: 2023-08-11 16:00
报告地点: 物质科研楼A608
主办单位: 中国科学技术大学核与粒子物理学科


Based on the ultra intense 100 PW optical laser and hard XFEL at SHINE in Shanghai, China, possible QED experiments in vacuum are considered. For photon-photon scattering, we consider the changes of polarization, energy, and transverse momentum of the probe XFEL due to the QED effects. The experiment for vacuum birefringence is designed for SHINE considering the effects of vacuum degree and focusing lens. The pump laser of flying focus is suggested to be used to enhance the vacuum birefringence. To avoid the strong signal in the forward direction, we consider the vacuum wave mixing with resonance at an angle away from the forward direction and vacuum diffraction of the probe XFEL from the intense optical laser where multi XFEL modes are used to enhance the signal. We also consider the axion-like particle generation in laser-plasma interaction. By detecting the change of polarization of the XFEL, we may know the generation of axion-like particles.


       1989年毕业于西安交通大学获物理学士学位,1994年于中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所获光学博士学位,1997年被聘为研究员,2007年被评为专业技术二级。曾获德国洪堡奖学金、日本JSPS等资助赴德国马普量子光学所、德国鲁尔大学、美国阿贡国家实验室、日本加速器研究机构(KEK)访问。主要从事强激光与等离子体相互作用、激光核聚变、激光加速电子和离子、强场QED效应、相对论涡旋激光等方面的研究,发表SCI论文200多篇,其中包括PRL论文15篇、Nature Communications1篇(PRL论文中9篇为第一作者或通信作者)。曾获上海市科技启明星、启明星跟踪、上海市优秀学科带头人、上海市引进海外高层次留学人员专项资金、中科院“百人计划”、财政部“引进国外杰出人才”择优支持、国家杰出青年基金等人才项目资助。获饶毓泰基础光学奖,中科院优秀导师,朱李月华优秀教师奖,总装十一五优秀个人,上海市领军人才,百千万人才计划国家级人选,国务院特殊津贴,上海市自然科学奖一等奖等奖励。


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