Recent progress on neutrino astronomy and the TRIDENT project
题目: Recent progress on neutrino astronomy and the TRIDENT project
报告人: 徐东莲
报告人单位: 上海交通大学
报告时间: 2023-06-02 16:00
报告地点: 物质科研楼C1204+Online
主办单位: 中国科学技术大学核与粒子物理学科

High-energy astrophysical neutrinos are ideal messengers to unveil the century-old puzzle of cosmic ray origins, test neutrino oscillation physics over astronomical baselines, and search for new physics at the cosmic flavor frontier. IceCube has been observing a diffuse extraterrestrial neutrino flux since 2013, and detected the first compelling evidence for two corresponding sources, TXS 0506+056 ad NGC 1068, in 2018 and 2022 respectively. These discoveries have marked the dawn of high-energy neutrino astronomy. However, in order to definitively identify astrophysical neutrino sources and significantly advance the nascent field, next-generation neutrino telescopes with much improved sensitivity are needed. In this talk, I will review the cosmic neutrino signal discovered by IceCube, discuss its implication for astrophysics and particle physics, present the prospects of the next-gen neutrino telescopes planned around the world, as well as overviewing the recent progress on the proposed neutrino telescope to be built in South China Sea – the TRIDENT project.



Prof. Xu is a T. D. Lee fellow and tenure-track associate professor at the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute. She was a postdoc at UW-Madison from 2015-2018, and got the PhD from U. Alabama – Tuscaloosa in 2015, both working on IceCube. She got her bachelor degree in astronomy from USTC in 2008. She is a cosmic “ghost hunter”. Having been a member of IceCube since 2009, she took part and contributed in many of the major discoveries of the nascent field of high-energy neutrino astronomy. After returning to China, she has widened her “hunt net” for neutrinos and multi-messengers using JUNO, HXMT, LHAASO, FAST and beyond. She is the proposer and current spokesperson of The tRopIcal Deep-sea Neutrino Telescope – the TRIDENT project.