Simulating Lattice Gauge Theories with Ultracold Atoms
题目: Simulating Lattice Gauge Theories with Ultracold Atoms
报告人: 苑震生
报告人单位: 物理学院、微尺度物质科学国家研究中心
报告时间: 2022-12-16 16:00
报告地点: Online
主办单位: 中国科学技术大学核与粒子物理学科

Gauge theories implement fundamental laws of physics by local symmetry constraints. For example, quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics are both based on gauge theories. However, the equations of gauge theories are usually hard to solve, forming exceptional challenges to supercomputer based numerical procedures. We developed unique techniques of spin-dependent superlattices, microscopic absorption imaging, and number resolved detection. We implemented the Schwinger model with a Hubbard model in deep lattice regime of a 71-site quantum simulator. We observed the interaction and conversion between matter fields and gauge fields and verified Gauss’s law.  The quantum simulator may be also used to study non-equilibrium lattice gauge systems, false vacuum decay, dynamical transitions related to the topological θ-angle, and thermal signatures of gauge theories under extreme conditions.

       从事超冷原子物理和量子信息物理学研究,在超冷原子的精密量子调控、强关联量子多体问题的量子模拟和显微学研究等方面取得了重要进展,代表性成果包括:首次在实验上产生了600对原子比特的纠缠(Nature Physics 2006)并研究了超冷原子光晶格体系中四体交换相互作用及其任意子激发特性(Nature Physics 2017);提出并实现晶格中超流-绝缘态交错浸润的深度冷却机制并制备1000多对保真度99.3%的原子纠缠态(Science 2020);实现当时最大的71格点超冷原子量子模拟器并对一维格点规范场问题进行了研究(Nature 2020);揭示格点规范理论的热化动力学性质(Science 2022)。

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