Dark Matter (WIMPs) and its direct detection
题目: Dark Matter (WIMPs) and its direct detection
报告人: 廖俊辉
报告人单位: 中科院原子能院
报告人 CV: CV 链接
报告时间: 2020-11-27 14:30
报告地点: 近代物理系210+Online
主办单位: 粒子物理与原子核物理


I will be talking about Dark Matter (WIMPs) and its direct detection. Dark Matter (DM) is one of the most critical questions to be understood and answered in fundamental physics. Among other DM candidates, Weakly Interactive Massive Particles (WIMPs) is the most discussed one. WIMPs' direct detection is the research of multi-disciplines that wraps astrophysics, particle physics, and nuclear physics together. It can explore the untouching region of the interaction between WIMPs and nucleons in a way other methods like indirect detection and the searches on colliders can not reach.

I will firstly review the search of DM (WIMPs): the evidence of its existence from astrophysics and cosmology, the strategy of WIMPs detection, the current status of various experiments of WIMPs' direct detection. Secondly, I will address two WIMPs direct experiments in detail: DArk Matter In CCDs (DAMIC) and LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ), which hunt for low-mass (~ 1 - 10 GeV/c^2) and high-mass (~ 10 - 1000 GeV/c^2) WIMPs, respectively. In the end, I will be talking about a brand new and very competitive experiment for low-mass (~ 100s MeV/c^2 - 10 GeV/c^2) WIMPs hunting: A Liquid HElium Time projection chamber (ALHET).



2019年11月-至今,访问科学家(Visiting scientist),美国布朗大学(Brown University).
2019年9月-2019年12月,访问学者(CHEP fellowship),中国北京大学高能物理中心。
2017年2月-2019年4月,博士后(Postdoc)→高级科学家(Senior scientist),美国布朗大学。
2014年3月-2015年12月,访问研究员(Visiting research scholar),美国费米国家实验室(Fermilab).
2013年7月-2016年9月,粒子物理博士研究生,瑞士苏黎世大学(University of Zurich, Switzerland).
2009年3月-2013年1月,助理研究员(Research assistant),比利时法语鲁文大学(UCLouvain,Belgium)
2007年9月-2007年12月,访问学者(Visiting scholar),意大利国家核物理实验室(LNF,Italy)


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