
USTC ATLAS group is a part of the ATLAS collaboration. ATLAS is one of the four major experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It is a general-purpose particle physics experiment run by an international collaboration and, together with CMS, is designed to exploit the full discovery potential and the huge range of physics opportunities that the LHC provides. The ATLAS detector is searching for new discoveries in the head-on collisions of protons of extraordinarily high energy. ATLAS will learn about the basic forces that have shaped our Universe since the beginning of time and that will determine its fate. Among the possible unknowns are the origin of mass, extra dimensions of space, unification of fundamental forces, and evidence for dark matter candidates in the Universe.

The USTC ATLAS group physics interest includes Higgs physics and searches for “exotic” phenomena beyond the Standard Model, such as R-parity violating sneutrinos, Gravitons, W’, Z’ and Technicolored mesons and measurements that provide precise tests of the Standard Model theory. The ATLAS experiment is currently taking data routinely. We contribute to detector operations, data preparations and studies of the physics object reconstructions and identifications. Some of us are involved in the detector upgrade for high luminosity phase of the experiment.

Members of USTC ATLAS group at CERN