姓名:查王妹 电话:15256981629
邮箱:first@ustc.edu.cn 传真:
工作地址: 研究方向:加速器实验物理

中国科学技术大学,特任副研究员,11/2016 - 01/2020

中国科学技术大学,副教授,01/2020 - 至今


长期从事相对论重离子碰撞相关物理的研究,从博士阶段开始参加位于美国布鲁克海文国家实验室(Brookhaven National Laboratory, BNL)的相对论重离子对撞机(Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, RHIC)上的STAR国际合作组,主要从事实验数据的物理分析以及中国组贡献的缪子探测器的建造、维护、刻度和缪子鉴别软件开发等工作。实验数据的分析工作主要集中在重味夸克偶素和双轻子的产生以及相干光致产生等方面。以第一或通讯作者发表文章25篇,包括JCR中科院分区1区11篇(Phys. Rev. Lett. 3篇、JHEP1篇、Phys. Lett. B 7篇)、2区4篇(Chin. Phys. C 1篇、Phys. Rev. D 3篇)、3区4篇(Phys. Rev. C 4篇);参加国际学术会议20余次(其中特邀报告9次);担任STAR合作组(743名成员,5个物理组)轻味物理组召集人(2018—2020年)、前向量能器系统软件负责人、NICA/MPD 合作组(位于俄罗斯杜布纳联合核子研究所Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fA-cility实验上,467名成员,5个物理组)重味物理组召集人、Editor Board成员、筹建中的美国电子重离子对撞机上ECCE合作组重味和喷注物理组召集人;主持博后面上一等、特别资助、国家自然科学基金青年各一项、面上两项,作为研究骨干参加基金委重点国际合作、科技部重点研发计划各一项;担任国家自然科学基金青年和面上项目评委,是Phys. Lett. B、Eur. Phys. J. A、Chin. Phys. C等领域内知名杂志的审稿人,并于2019年获美国布鲁克海文国家实验室RHIC&AGS杰出贡献奖。



7.第9批博士后特别资助,2016T90564、RHIC STAR上低横动量J/psi产额的测量、2016/06-2016/10、15万、结题、主持
9.第57批博士后面上基金一等,2015M570538、RHIC STAR上J/psi产额和极化的实验研究、2015/06-2016/11、8万、结题、主持



1. STAR Collaboration(Principle Author),Measurement of e+e− momentum and angular distributions from linearly polarized photon collisions,Physical Review Letters, 2021,127:052302
2. STAR Collaboration(Principle Author),Observation of excess J/psi yield at very low transverse momenta in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV and U+U collisions at 193 GeV,Physical Review Letters, 2019,123:132302
3. STAR Collaboration(Principle Author),Low-pT e+e- pair production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV and U+U collisions at 193 GeV at STAR,Physical Review Letters, 2018,121:32301
4. Zha, W. and Tang, Z.(*),Discovery of higher-order quantum electrodynamics effect for the vacuum pair production,Journal of High Energy Physics,2021,08:83
5. Wangmei Zha; James Daniel Brandenburg; Zebo Tang and Zhangbu Xu(*),Initial transverse-momentum broadening of Breit-Wheeler process in relativistic heavy-ion collisions,Physics Letters B,2020,800:135089
6. Wangmei Zha; James Daniel Brandenburg(*); Lijuan Ruan and Zebo Tang(*),Exploring the double-slit interference with linearly polarized photons,Physical Review D,2021,103:033007
7. STAR Collaboration(Principle Author),Measurement of inclusive J/psi polarization in p+p collisions at 200 GeV by the STAR experiment, Physical Review D,2020,102:092009
8. STAR Collaboration(Principle Author),Measurement of inclusive J/psi suppression in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV through the dimuon channel at STAR,Physics Letters B,2019,797:134917
9. 王鹏飞; 查王妹(*); 唐泽波,RHIC能区STAR上重味夸克偶素产生的实验进展,中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学,2019,49(10):34-47
10. STAR Collaboration(Principle Author),Measurements of the transverse momentum dependent cross sections of J/psi production at mid-rapidity in p+p collisions at 510 and 500 GeV with the STAR detector,Physical Review D,2019,100:052009
11. Zha, W.(*); Ruan, L.; Tang, Z.(*); Xu, Z.; Yang, S.,Double-slit experiment at Fermi scale: Coherent photoproduction in heavy-ion collisions,Physical Review C,2019,99:061901
12. Cao, Ze-Hua; Ruan, Li-Juan; Tang, Ze-Bo; Xu, Zhang-Bu; Yang, Chi; Yang, Shuai; Zha, Wang-Mei(*),Photoproduction of J/psi in non-single-diffractive p+p collisions,Chinese Physics C,2019,43(6):064103
13. Zha, W.(*); Ruan, L.; Tang, Z.(*); Xu, Z.; Yang, S.,Coherent photo-produced J/psi and dielectron yields in isobaric collisions,Physics Letters B,2019,789:238-242
14. Zha, W.; Klein, S. R.; Ma, R.; Ruan, L.; Todoroki, T.; Tang, Z.(*); Xu, Z.; Yang, C.; Yang, Q.; Yang,S.,Coherent J/psi photoproduction in hadronic heavy-ion collisions,Physical Review C,2018,97:044910
15. Zha, W.; Ruan, L.; Tang, Z.(*); Xu, Z.; Yang, S,Coherent lepton pair production in hadronic heavy ion collisions,Physics Letters B,2018,781:182-186
16. STAR Collaboration(Principle Author),Direct virtual photon production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV,Physics Letters B,2017,770:451-458
17. STAR Collaboration(Principle Author),Energy dependence of J/Psi production in Au+Au collisions at 39, 62.4 and 200 GeV,Physics Letters B,2017,771:13-20
18. Zha W.(*),Recent highlights from STAR,17th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter,SQM 2017,Utrecht,the Netherlands,2017-7-10至2017-7-15(会议论文)
19. Wangmei Zha; Zebo Tang(*),Experimental review of quarkonium production in heavy-ion collisions,Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings,2017,s289–290:83-88
20. Zha, Wangmei; Huang, Bingchu; Ma, Rongrong; Ruan, Lijuan; Tang, Zebo(*); Xu, Zhangbu; Yang, Chi; Yang, Qian; Yang, Shuai,Systematic study of the experimental measurements on J/psi cross sections and kinematic distributions in p+p collisions at different energies,Physical Review C,2016,93:024919
21. Zha, Wangmei(*),Excess of J/ψ yield at very low transverse momenta in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV and U+U at 193 GeV with STAR,16th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter,SQM 2016,Berkeley,CA,United states,2016-6-27至2016-7-1(会议论文)
22. STAR Collaboration(Principle Author),Energy dependence of acceptance-corrected dielectron excess mass spectrum at mid-rapidity in Au plus Au collisions at 19.6 and 200 GeV,Physics Letters B,2015,750:64-71
23. Wangmei Zha(*),Recent measurements of quarkonium production in p+p and A+A collisions from the STAR experiment,Nuclear Physics A,2014,931:596-600
24. Zha, Wangmei(*); Yang, Chi; Huang, Bingchu; Ruan, Lijuan; Yang, Shuai; Tang, Zebo; Xu, Zhangbu,Systematic study of the experimental measurements on ratios of different states,Physical Review C,2013,88:067901
25. Zha, Wangmei(*),Energy dependence of J/ψproduction in Au+Au collisions at 39, 62.4 and 200 GeV from the STAR experiment,29th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, WWND 2013,Squaw Valley,CA,United states,2013-2-3至2013-2-10(会议论文)