STAR 12月 news letter 报道了在我校举办的STAR regional meeting,以下是报道内容:
STAR Regional Meeting Recap
(Yifei Zhang - USTC, program committee co-chair)
The STAR Regional Meeting, Workshop on BES-II and Detector Upgrades, was held at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China on Oct. 31st – Nov. 2nd, 2018. STAR spokesperson Zhangbu Xu gave an introduction for the STAR upgrade plans. The following sessions included iTPC production and commissioning status, EPD construction and electronics status, eTOF construction and performance, sTGC and forward tracking status. BES-II related physics and data analysis progress from the region and future physics program were discussed as well in this meeting. On Nov. 1st, after the meeting in the afternoon, participants were given a tour of USTC SKLPDE Lab where the modules of STAR TOF, MTD, and CBM TOF were exhibited. Attendees had the opportunity to look around the micro-pattern gas detector lab and electronics lab as well. Below are some photographs from the events.
国际会议“STAR Regional Meeting: Workshop on BES-II and Detector Upgrades”于2018年10月31日至2018年11月2日在中国科学技术大学举行(安徽,合肥)。会议将集中讨论STAR实验在iTPC, ETOF 和EPD等方面的探测器升级事项,并探讨BES-II相关的物理课题。此次会议会期2天,我学科张一飞副教授为组委会主席,由中国科学技术大学物理学院、基本粒子和相互作用协同创新中心、核探测与核电子学国家重点实验室主办,获得中国高等科学技术中心资助。