Probing the extreme Universe with a “nu” messenger
题目: Probing the extreme Universe with a “nu” messenger
报告人: 徐东莲
报告人单位: 上海交大
报告时间: 2020-09-18 16:00
报告地点: Online
主办单位: 粒子物理与原子核物理


TeV-PeV cosmic neutrinos were proposed to be the ideal messenger to solve the century-old problem on cosmic ray origin. Since IceCube’s discovery of a diffuse extraterrestrial neutrino flux in 2013, it has opened more questions on the neutrino signal itself instead: most of the neutrinos are found not correlated with any presumably promising particle accelerators, e.g. gamma ray bursts. In this talk, I will review the cosmic neutrino signal discovered by IceCube, discuss its implication for astrophysics and particle physics, and outlook on the prospects of next generation neutrino telescopes planned around the world.  



I am a cosmic “ghost hunter” since 2009 -- utilizing the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole to capture astrophysical neutrinos which are expected to produce at extreme cosmic particle accelerators. After returning to China, I have widened my “hunt net” for neutrinos and multi-messengers using JUNO, LHAASO, HXMT, FAST and beyond. My professional track is summarized below:

2018 – present: T. D. Lee fellow & associate professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2015 – 2018: Postdoctoral researcher, University of Wisconsin – Madison
2008 – 2015: Ph.D. (particle astrophysics), University of Alabama – Tuscaloosa
2004 – 2008: B. S. (astronomy), University of Science and Technology of China