Nucleon spin structure study in lepton-nucleon scatterings
题目: Nucleon spin structure study in lepton-nucleon scatterings
报告人: Yuxiang Zhao (赵宇翔)
报告人单位: 近物所
报告时间: 2019-11-08 16:00
报告地点: MPHY 210
主办单位: 核探测与核电子学国家重点实验室


To understand the spin structure of a nucleon is a fundamental goal of nuclear science. After half a century of investigations, our knowledge of the nucleon spin structure has made impressive progress. However, our current understanding is basically one-dimensional. Meanwhile, the past decade has witnessed tremendous experimental achievements, which led to fascinating new insights into the 3-D structure of the nucleon through semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering processes (SIDIS). In this talk, I will firstly give a brief introduction on perspectives for the spin structure study to help people to get a feeling on where we are for the one-dimensional picture and why we need to move to 3D studies (TMDs and GPDs). Then I will discuss some results and ongoing efforts at JLab (6 GeV and 12 GeV) and COMPASS (CERN) for the TMDs study.  In the end, I will give an introduction on the Chinese Electron-Ion Collider (EicC) based on HIAF in Huizhou, China.


Brief CV:

Yuxiang Zhao is now a physicist in the institute of modern physics. He received his Ph.D. degree at University of Science and Technology of China based on his work at Thomas Jefferson Lab in the US doing transverse spin structure study of the nucleon. He has been awarded the “Outstanding Dissertation Award” by the International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers “for his significant contributions to a number of new analyses of the transversity data and to hardware and simulations for the SoLID project”. Then he joined Stony Brook University as a postdoctoral research associate to work on electro-weak physics in lepton-nucleon scatterings and continue his involvement in transverse spin structure study at JLab. Afterward, he joined INFN Trieste as INFN fellow to continue his expertise in Micro-Pattern-Gaseous-Detectors (MPGD) and the spin physics in the COMPASS experiment at CERN SPS.

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